Yoga is a form of exercise that many people have tried at one time or another, and many people still do. Yoga is a complete system of body construction and flexibility developed by ancient yogis. Yoga is a mind-body practice, in which one trains the body by exercising the mind through the body. Yoga is commonly characterized by a series of postures, each of which develops a different body part, strengthens a different muscle group, and calms the nervous system.
Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and tone your body, but you have to do it right. If you are just starting out, yoga blocks can help you get started quickly. Yoga blocks are versatile pieces of equipment that can be used for many different physical activities. They can help you build strength and flexibility, help you improve your balance, and work your muscles.
As we age, our muscles in our hands, feet, hips and neck tend to loosen up, which can lead to an overall loss of mobility and strength. Yoga blocks are an excellent way to keep your body flexible and strong. Not only are yoga blocks inexpensive and easy to use, but they are also a great way to increase the amount of time you spend on your mat.
Do you have a couple of yoga blocks laying around in the corner? Now is the moment to dust up your most adaptable prop and bring it back into the game!
What’s the greatest part? There’s no need to reinvent the wheel and attempt a bunch of strange fancy-schmancy posture variants you’ll never use again. Instead, we’ll look at the six most common yoga postures, as well as how to utilize yoga blocks to:
- Change them up on days when you need a break.
- For days when you’re feeling adventurous, go a little deeper.
Continue reading for 26 creative ways to utilize a yoga block to improve flexibility, strength, and stress release. There will be yoga variants for beginners and experts alike, regardless of their skill level.
Table of Contents
Pose of a Child (Balasana)
My very favorite yoga position is Balasana. This yoga position is grounding and calming for the nervous system, whether you need to take a break, release stress, prepare for the day ahead, or unwind before bed. Child’s pose allows for lots of exploration and play since it includes both the upper and lower bodies.
To add diversity to your practice and make it as easy or difficult as you feel today, try these four versions of Child’s pose with a block.
Option 1: Place a block beneath your brow.
Even though you can easily touch your forehead to the ground in Child’s pose, attempting to maintain the position for extended periods of time may cause pain. Placing a block or two under your brow relieves some of the strain on your back and hips, allowing you to remain in the position longer and concentrate on your breath rather than your increasing body pains.
This version is especially ideal for pregnant or larger yogis who need more belly room.
Option 2: Block beneath the hips as a second option.
Sit on a couple of blocks to relieve strain on your knees and provide support for your tight back and hips. Place a folded blanket over the block for additional “knee love” – this will raise your hips and reduce the angle in your knees.
Option 3: Blocks for double support
Place one yoga block under your hips and the other under your brow for the ultimate in relaxation. If you have a firm cushion or a yoga bolster handy, put it under your torso and belly and you’ll probably like Child’s pose, even if you’ve never liked it before.
Option 4: Blocks beneath the elbows
Place your arms on blocks and bend your elbows, putting your hands in reverse prayer behind your head to go deeper in Child’s pose. The shoulders and triceps are stretched more in this version. It’s a great way to unwind after a strenuous upper-body exercise.
Option 5: Twist with the help of a block
Looking for a yoga position that will hit all of the correct places in the shortest amount of time? Hips, back, shoulders, and spine are all targeted in this Child’s Pose variant with a twist.
Place one hand on top of the block in Extended Child’s pose and gradually twist toward your raised hand. The deeper the twist, the higher the block setting.
Are you looking for a yoga block but aren’t sure where to begin? Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of each material, as well as what characteristics to look for, in this in-depth guide on how to select a yoga block.
Downward Facing Dog is a kind of downward facing dog (Adho Mukah Svanasana)
Downward Facing Dog is a foundational position in every yoga practice, whether beginning or expert. It provides a good general stretch as well as a foundation for subsequent yoga postures. Simultaneously, repeating it over and over again may get a little… dull.
To ease into the position, increase your flexibility, and spice up your normal Down Dog, try these four versions of Downward Facing Dog with blocks.
Option 1: Place your hands on the blocks.
Using blocks to elevate your hands is a simple posture modification to attempt.
- when you practice first thing in the morning, when your body is naturally stiffer following a night’s sleep
- when you’re having a bad day and want to relax.
If you’re having trouble transitioning from Downward Facing Dog to Lunge and can’t get your foot all the way to your hand, this little elevation will help.
Option 1: Asymmetrical Downward Dog
Try this entertaining Downward Facing Dog variant with a block under one foot when you’re ready to test your flexibility. This easy adjustment will enhance the strain in your straight leg’s calf and hamstring, as well as your lower back.
Before trying a split or after a lower-body exercise, I prefer to practice an asymmetrical Down Dog.
Option 3: Place your feet on blocks.
If you put blocks beneath your feet, a normal Downward Facing Dog may become a genuine flexibility feast. Your legs and back will be stretched more intensely.
Try walking your hands back into Uttanasana, or Standing Forward Fold, for an added challenge and enjoyment.
Option 4: Place a block between your arms.
For beginners, this version of Downward Facing Dog with a block may be challenging, but it’s a wonderful method to improve alignment. To engage your shoulders in the posture and keep your elbows from sticking out, hold the block with your arms.
Warrior II is a sequel to Warrior (Virabhadrasana II)
The pose’s name, Warrior II, is self-explanatory. It requires bravery, perseverance, and strength. Including a block in your Warrior II practice will aid in the development of all three.
Option 1: Hands-on block
For additional shoulder training, place a brick between your hands. But keep in mind that you shouldn’t simply “hang out” there. Instead, make sure your hands are pressed against the block.
I recommend using a cork or hardwood block since the heavier it is, the better the outcomes will be in the future.
Option 2: Place your foot on the block.
Try this easy version of Warrior II with a foot on a block for an additional burn in your lower body. Your front hamstring and thigh will be working overtime. In addition, the popular follow-up posture, Extended Side Angle, provides a deeper stretch.
Option 3: Block against the wall
Because there was no accessible wall during the picture shoot, let’s imagine I’m performing Warrior II above a wall.
Place a block between your front knee and a wall (any position of your block will do) and push against it while holding the posture. This block-assisted version of Warrior II is particularly beneficial for yoga novices who are learning the fundamentals of yoga and need a gentle reminder to maintain their front thigh engaged and pushing out.
Pose in a Chair (Utkatasana)
Utkatasana is actually described as a “awkward posture,” in contrast to its English picture of a soft, comfy chair. If you’ve ever browsed aimlessly through any yoga meme-filled social media page, you’ll notice that Chair is one of many people’s least favorite positions.
Chair pose requires strength, flexibility, and a lot of core stability all at once.
These four Chair position variants with blocks will help you fine-tune your alignment, test your stamina, and make this ferocious pose a little less uncomfortable and more enjoyable.
Option 1: Hands-on block
Holding a block between your hands in Chair position, much as in Warrior II, strengthens your shoulders.
This is a difficult one for me since, even without the block, I have trouble maintaining my arms straight and powerful when in the position, as you can see in my Chair photo.
Option 2: Place a block between your thighs.
This chair posture with a block variant is a classic. Place a block between your thighs on its narrowest setting and squeeze it while you hold the position. The block will strengthen your inner thighs and pelvic floor as well as maintain your knees aligned.
Option 3: Take a double-blocking action.
Combine two prior variants if you have two blocks and want to add a whole new depth to this powerful posture. Squeeze one block between your hands and another between your thighs, then post your time in the comments section below.
Option 4: Put a block beneath your heels.
To target the quadriceps, we traditionally balance on our toes on the Balance Chair. However, not everyone has access to this option.
If you’re pregnant or have trouble balancing, consider putting a block beneath your heels for more support and a good burn in your front thighs.
Butterfly Pose or Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana)
Butterfly position is a godsend for hips and lower backs who have grown weary of sitting all day. However, individuals with a tight groin or weak core muscles may find it to be a curse. Yoga blocks, fortunately, are here to assist you get through difficult days and push yourself farther anytime you’re ready for a challenge.
Try these 5 entertaining versions of Butterfly position with a block the next time you’re on your yoga mat.
Option 1: Place a block beneath your hips.
If you’re having trouble sitting straight in Easy position, Butterfly pose, or Staff, consider putting a block beneath your buttocks on the lowest level. It relieves stress on your hip flexors, allowing your knees to fall to the ground and your spine to remain straight.
Option 2: Place a block beneath your brow.
I like to use blocks for additional support and relaxation. My go-to position for evening calming practices and mild cool-downs is this peaceful Butterfly variant with forehead resting on blocks.
You may stack blocks on top of each other (like I do in the picture above) or go with just one block, depending on your flexibility today and how far forward you can fold.
Option 3: Blocks beneath the knees
For individuals with tight hips and groins, butterfly position may be very painful. If you’re having trouble with the position yet want to do a yoga practice with longer stays, consider putting blocks under your knees or shins.
Regardless of the obstacles, maintain your outer thighs engaged as if lowering your knees to the ground. Change the block setting to the lowest one as your flexibility improves and your inner groin opens out, or even try the position without any supports.
Option 4: Place a block between your toes.
Place the block in front of you and grip it with your feet to increase the stretch in your thighs and inner groin.
Begin by setting the block to the thinnest setting. You may work toward laying the block flat on the ground as your body opens up over time. The deeper the stretch, the farther your feet are separated by the block.
Option 5: Place your feet on the block.
Once you’ve mastered the previous Butterfly with a block variant, try diving even deeper by folding forward while putting your feet on the block.
Place the block in front of you, parallel to your body on the longest side. As in normal Butterfly, place your feet on the block. To assist your knees expand up, gently push them down with your elbows while moving the soles of your feet outward with your palms. Place the block on its highest position to raise your feet even higher as your flexibility and comfort with this variant improves.
Pose of the Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Bridge is a yoga posture with a lot of different variations. It’s a mild inversion with a backend that’ll energize your body while also relaxing your nervous system. It may also develop into a serious back and lower body burner.
A yoga block will assist you in exploring the various faces of Bridge, allowing you to adjust it to your comfort level and enjoy its numerous advantages.
Option 1: Place a block beneath your hips.
For a peaceful evening practice, try this easy Bridge position with a block. It expands the chest while releasing tension in the spine and hip flexors.
Place a block beneath your sacrum (find a comfortable position), push into your heels, and raise your hips to accomplish it.
Option 2: Place a block beneath your sacrum with your legs outstretched.
Extend your legs out in front of you to take your Supported Bridge to the next level. From the front of your thighs and hip flexors to your belly and chest, you’ll feel a nice stretch all over your front body.
Place the block on the highest position to go further into the backbend.
Option 3: Place a block between your thighs.
If Supported Bridge isn’t doing it for you today, try putting a block between your thighs on its narrowest setting for an additional burn. Engaging your inner thighs, keeping your legs parallel, and protecting your lower back are all benefits of pressing into your block.
Option 4: Foot-on-block bridge lifts
This Bridge position variant will work your abs and lower body. If you’re in a rush and need to get a fast exercise done, these Single-Legged Bridge Lifts should be at the top of your list.
Place one foot on the blocks, lift your hips into Bridge, and raise the opposing leg to the sky. Maintain your hips’ level and your belly tights’ tightness. It’s possible that you’ll need to tuck your tailbone in somewhat. Now it’s time to have some fun. Return to Bridge by lowering your hips to the floor without touching it and maintaining your leg elevated.
The blocks under the standing leg will provide more room for the lifts and make the position more difficult.
Option 5: Place a block beneath your head.
The back of your neck will be released with this Bridge position variant using a block. Place the block at the base of your head and raise your hips up into Bridge to do it. The greater the stretch, as usual, the higher the setting.
A gentle reminder: if you’ve ever had a neck injury or are experiencing any uncomfortable feelings, avoid the posture.
Is there a particular method you like to utilize yoga blocks? Let us know in the comments!
Yoga blocks are an inexpensive and easy way to improve your flexibility and overall strength while you’re sitting on the couch. Not only that, but the meditation-like benefits of yoga can help you to relax, focus, and center yourself. While there are many varieties of yoga poses, you don’t need to spend hours learning postures. You can use yoga blocks to change your position in your poses, put your hands on the floor, and even twist and stretch your muscles.