5 Tips To Maintain Your ‘Yoga High’

“Yoga High” is a phrase that is a familiar one to most yogis. We’ve all experienced it, whether or not we’ve used the term to describe it. We’ve probably all enjoyed it, too. We know how to get the high, but now it’s time to look at how to keep it.

When you start a yoga practice, one of the first things you often notice is how your body feels energized and happy afterward. A large part of this has to do with the anabolism of the body. For a long time, scientists believed that the body’s anabolic processes were mainly driven by food. This is no longer the case. There are also a lot of studies that show that exercise has a positive effect on the body. And especially, yoga is a great tool to let your body heal and recover.

Yoga is a wonderful practice that allows us to connect with our bodies, our minds, and our spirits. And as we continue to practice, the benefits of the practice begin to become apparent. These benefits can be physical, as we begin to feel more energized and mentally clearer, or emotional, as we learn the value of breathing, of mindfulness, and of calm.

As someone who works in a yoga studio, I see regular faces leave after a few weeks of steady attendance far too frequently. This is what I refer to as coming down from the “yoga high.”

Students will purchase a package, make an effort to come every day because they love how yoga makes them feel, schedule time in their busy schedules, tell all of their friends and family, and perhaps even snap a quick photo of themselves in a pose they’ve been working on to share on social media, and then life will get in the way once more.

They’ve returned to square one. Yoga becomes a distant memory, something they will return to if they have the time…maybe.

Yoga’s High:

When you first do yoga and like it, there is an inexplicable sensation that you receive. During class, you feel your mind, body, and soul connect, and you remember the mantra the instructor repeated during the class for the rest of the day, leaving you joyful and peaceful.

This sensation is what keeps you returning. You develop an addiction to the practice, for want of a better word.

But then something happens, and you can’t practice – you get ill, a family emergency occurs, or you just don’t feel like putting on yoga clothes and going to the studio that day.

But your enthusiasm for the exercise doesn’t have to go away with time. Here are five tips for making yoga a daily habit so you can keep your yoga high:

1. Establish a routine.

Sit down and examine your studio calendar to determine which courses are most appropriate for you that week, or even that month.

Put it in your schedule or planner if you have one. You can schedule your day around your yoga session this way. You can’t book yourself into a yoga class if you make a time window for it. Once you’ve gotten into the habit of attending to a certain class every week, it will eventually become a part of your daily routine.

2. Register for courses ahead of time.

DO IT IF YOUR STUDIO ALLOWS YOU TO REGISTER FOR CLASSES ONLINE! You’ll be one step closer to your blissful Savasana this way. It also holds you responsible for attending class. You’ve already made your decision!!

3. Establish a home practice routine.

This is crucial if you want to keep up with your yoga practice on a daily basis. If you ever find yourself in a scenario where you can’t get to your yoga class or just don’t feel like leaving the house, have a home practice ready to go.

Make a list of positions you want to work on on your phone, along with photos of your favorite yogis performing them. Look through the list when you come home and feel motivated to work on the mat.

To prepare for such postures, you may look up yoga sequences online or download a yoga app with full-length yoga sessions. There are many tools available online to help you make your home practice as enjoyable as the one you have in the studio.

If you’re worried about attempting anything new, you don’t have to worry about what others think of you. Find a peaceful corner of your house where you don’t usually spend much time. Toss in a few candles and lay out your mat, and you’re ready to go. All of the magic occurs in your home practice!

4. Invite your friends and family to join you!

It’s fantastic if you can discover friends and family that share your passion for yoga. This will motivate you to attend more courses since it is something you can do as a family.

Nothing beats spending quality time with friends and family in a fantastic yoga session.

You’ll generate pleasant energy to carry with you for the remainder of the day if you work together.

It’s also a lot of fun to see each other improve and develop from class to class.

5. Take part in a challenge.

Students at my workshop are sometimes challenged to complete a 20-in-30-days project. You have 30 days to finish 20 courses. This is the greatest method to get into yoga whether you are new to it or attempting to get into it.

Typically, the studio will have a list of names on the wall where you may mark how many lessons you’ve taken in the previous month. This provides you an incentive to attend class on days when you weren’t intending to.

Depending on how many people finish the challenge, the studio may donate money to charity (or even a free t-shirt — and who doesn’t love free t-shirts??).

If your studio doesn’t have any challenges, create one for yourself! Having two mason jars with 20 popsicle sticks in each (or more if desired) is an excellent way to keep track. On half of the sticks, jot down something enjoyable for yourself.

This may include things like “ice cream for dinner” or “a new yoga shirt.” Move one of the sticks to the other mason jar after you finish a lesson. If it has a prize attached to it, congratulations! If that’s the case, you’d best keep going!!

Keep this up for 30 days and see how quickly you can finish 20 courses. You’ll be so accustomed to coming to courses after the challenge that you won’t even need incentives; attending to class will be the reward!

You may also look on Instagram for interesting yoga challenges with great rewards if you finish them. This will also motivate you to practice on your mat every day.

You’ll not only be stepping on your mat every day and pushing yourself, but you’ll also be surrounded by an incredible virtual community who will be doing the same!

Don’t let your “yoga high” go away no matter what you do. You can always enjoy wonderful advantages from stepping onto your mat, no matter how long you’ve been practicing.

It’s time to get back to work, and you can feel it after you’ve taken a day off. Not only are you facing the wrath of your boss, but you’ve also left yourself a few days of rest. The couch is calling your name, and you’re so ready to sleep in, you don’t know if you can even make it to the gym.  But guess what?  You can. And you’ll do it too.