Here are five yoga poses that can help you during this time of the month.
When you have a bad time with cramps and pain in your lower back, you will find that yoga can help you with reducing the pain and gaining a lot of flexibility in your body. Women will find that they can reduce the pain in their lower backs and they will be able to gain a lot of flexibility in their bodies. They will be able to gain a lot of flexibility in their bodies and they will be able to gain a lot of flexibility in their bodies. They will be able to reduce the pain in their lower backs and they will be able to gain a lot of flexibility in their bodies and they will be able to reduce the pain in their lower backs and they will be able to reduce the pain in their lower backs and they will be
It’s not a topic everyone likes to talk about, but let’s face it, PMS is something we almost all have to deal with. And for some, that time of the month can be just awful – cramps, bloating and general feeling.
We all know how much we love to put on our pajamas and sit on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, but if you can get from the couch to your yoga mat and try these 5 poses, you might just feel like a completely different woman.
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1. Sitting turn (Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Sit so that your right leg is bent under your left hip and your left leg is bent so that your foot is flat on the floor. Place your left hand flat behind you on your left knee for support and turn your body to the left. Hold this position for 5 to 10 breaths and repeat on the other side.
Tip: Breathe deeply into the lower back and stretch the spine. Hook your right elbow on your left knee to increase the intensity.
Why it works: The seated turn massages the internal organs, enlarges the reproductive organs and increases blood circulation. It helps to lubricate the parts of the body that are not so lucky at the moment.
2. Bending posture (Dhanurasana)
Lie on your stomach and extend your arms behind you to alternate ankles. As you inhale, bring your chest forward and up and stretch the back of your thighs toward the ceiling. Hold this position for 5 to 7 breaths. Release and repeat two or three times.
Tip: You can enhance the effect by rocking back and forth to intensify the internal massage. Also, make sure you don’t spread your legs too far apart. Pull your hips together energetically.
Why it works: The onion pose is a great massage for the internal organs, stimulating their regular activity and increasing blood circulation.
3. Cobra (Bhujangasana)
Lie on your stomach with your hands on the floor under your shoulders and your palms on the floor in front of you. Place your feet on the ground and press to lift your upper body off the ground. Hold this position for 5 to 7 breaths, then relax and repeat.
Tip: Follow the downward movement of the shoulder blades to achieve maximum torso length.
Why it works: In addition to stimulating the abdominal organs, the cobra opens the front of the body to create more space. By opening the heart, it also helps reduce stress and other emotional symptoms of PMS.
4. Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
With feet hip-width apart, bend hips and place hands on shins, ankles or floor. Let your head and shoulders relax and just breathe.
Tip: When you rotate your hips inward, so that your inner thighs are backward, you create more space in your pelvis.
Why it works: Bending forward is one of the most relaxing postures, it helps release tension caused by PMS and helps open the hips.
5. Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, press your feet together and lift your hips to the sky. Your arms can be crossed at your sides or under you. Inflate the chest while inhaling 5 to 7 times.
Tip: Lower the shoulders again to make the chest even wider. During PMS, it is especially helpful to rest your hips on a pillow or block.
Why it works: In addition to stimulating the organs of the abdomen and thyroid, the bridge can also calm the mind – helping to manage the mental and physical problems of PMS.
If you are suffering from PMS or are on a women’s holiday, remember to be kind to yourself. Take your time and listen to your body. While exercise may not be the most appealing option, I promise you’ll be happier if you get your organs moving and give them a little massage – and everyone around you will be too!