Sitting in a chair or desk for extended periods of time can cause back pain, as well as other physical problems including neck, shoulder, and arm pain. If you are constantly sitting at a desk or in front of a computer, you may want to consider yoga stretching for a full-body workout. This video is perfect for those who want to relieve some tension in muscles that are usually tight from sitting at a desk.
Most yoga practices focus on a balanced breathing practice and a series of stretches. The focus of this article will be to focus on flexibility and stretching, there will be a lot more on the breathing aspect in future articles.
Yoga is a flexible exercise routine and a practice for achieving physical, spiritual and mental health. It is a type of mind-body training that improves physical and mental flexibility. In this article, we shall discuss how to perform the full-body relaxing yoga stretch for flexibility.
Do you get a tight and weary feeling in your stomach? Then this quick yoga stretch is just what you’re looking for.
We’ll walk gently and keep our bodies near to the ground, focusing on opening the hips, chest, and sides.
This yoga routine is appropriate for people of all levels. If you’re a total novice, though, you may want to consider using a pair of yoga blocks to make some of the postures less taxing.
Furthermore, it is produced in a sustainable and ethical manner with regard for the environment and employees.
Table of Contents
Full-Body Relaxing Yoga Stretch: FAQ & Step-By-Step Instructions
Let’s start with some short questions and answers.
I’m not sure when I should do this flow.
I like fitting this full-body stretch flow 1) into my morning routine, when I’m still a little drowsy and sluggish 2) into my nighttime preparations for bed, since it helps me fall asleep easily after releasing all-day stiffness.
Obviously, I’m wearing a comfortable PJ or a lounge attire at both instances, thus the name. That being said, if you’re in the mood for some deep stretches at any time throughout the day, give this flow a try!
I’m not sure how long I should hold each position.
Attempt to hold each position for 3-5 full, deep breaths. Go for 3-5 cycles while doing dynamic yoga poses like Cat-Cow or Supine Cactus Arms.
You may remain in each position for longer if you have more time on your mat.
1. How much time will this flow take?
It all depends on how long you want to hold each position. It takes me around 10-15 minutes to complete the whole process.
Is it necessary for me to use any supports for this full-body yoga stretch?
Not at all. A yoga mat would be useful, but if you’re comfortable, you may practice on your carpet or bare floor. Because the flow does not include any Downward Dogs or standing positions, there is little danger of sliding.
Two yoga blocks may be useful as well. Though blocks are only required for certain postures, you can perform all of them without them.
The greatest thing is that no yoga gear is required. Simply put on something warm, like this Organic Basics outfit.
Let me know if you have any particular queries regarding this flow in the comments section below.
Let’s get this party started!
2. Cat-Cow
- Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop posture.
- Your shoulders should be higher than your wrists, and your knees should be lower than your hips. Maintain a neutral spine and a downward look.
- Inhale, lower your belly button and raise your chest and tailbone to form a U-shape in your spine. Raise your head without craning your neck (Cow Pose).
- Exhale, tighten your abdominals, round your spine, and tuck your chin to your chest softly, reversing the spine’s curvature (Cat Pose).
- Do the posture on your forearms if you have wrist discomfort.
3. Child’s Pose with Prayer Hands (Optional)
- On your hands and knees, return to a neutral tabletop posture.
- Bring your big toes together and your knees and thighs to the mat’s outside borders.
- Return your sit bones to your heels on an exhale and place your body between your thighs until your forehead hits the ground.
- Maintain an openness in your shoulders by extending your arms forward, palms facing down. For an additional stretch in my triceps, I like squeezing my hands together in prayer and bringing them behind my head.
- Place a small bolster, a cushion, or a wrapped yoga blanket between your calves and the back of your thighs if you have trouble sitting on your heels. You may also sit on a yoga block if you want.
4. Thread The Needle Pose of a Child
- Slide your right left arm beneath the left, palm facing up, and rest your right shoulder on the mat, starting in Extended Child’s Pose.
- Turn your head to the left and look.
- Breathe deeply and relax your whole body.
- Switch sides after at least three to five breaths.
5. Sphinx
- Lie face-down on the mat with your legs outstretched.
- Raise yourself on your elbows with your forearms parallel to each other and your fingers spread wide.
- As you raise your torso off the ground, align your shoulders over your elbows and begin pushing onto your palms and forearms.
- To protect your lower back, engage through your legs and push the pubic bone into the floor.
- Maintain a firm grip on your elbows and push your shoulder blades down.
- Maintain a wide opening in your chest.
6. Side Stretch (Supine)
- Turn your right forearm to the left from Sphinx, so your right palm faces the left side of the mat.
- Stack your hips and feet on top of each other as you roll onto your right side.
- No concerns if your shoulder lifts a little; this will let you experience a deeper stretch in your right side.
- To go even deeper, push onto your right palm and straighten your right arm by lifting the elbow off the ground.
- Return to Sphinx and repeat the process on the other side.
7. Lunge at a Low Level
- Return the tabletop to a neutral position.
- Between your hands, take a step forward with your right foot.
- Make sure your right knee is stacked over your front heel and not bending to the right or left.
- Drop your left knee to the ground. You have the option of keeping your left foot tucked or putting the top of your foot on the mat. A mild stretch should be felt in your left hip and thigh.
- Both hipbones should be aligned with the front of the mat.
- Rather of lifting my hands above in this yoga sequence, I prefer to keep them on the mat or on yoga blocks.
- If you have sensitive knees, use a yoga blanket to cushion your back knee. Alternatively, just fold your yoga mat in half.
8. Splits in half
- Start shifting your hips back from Low Lunge until they stack over your left knee.
- Start by flexing your right foot and straightening your leg until you feel a stretch but are not in discomfort.
- Maintain a squared-off posture with your hips towards the front of the mat.
- Start stepping forward with your fingers, leaning your body over your right leg if flexibility permits.
- Maintain a straight spine and pull your shoulder blades down your spine while you do so.
9. Lunge to the side with a chest opener
- Return to Low Lunge and put your hands on the front foot’s left side.
- As you go into Side Lunge or Skandasana, turn your torso to the left. Lift on the balls of your feet or keep your right foot planted flat on the mat.
- Your left leg should be straight and your toes should point up.
- Engage your right glute to expand your right hip and keep your chest raised.
- If you’re not very flexible, this is a good time to put your yoga block under your bum for more support.
- Place your right hand on the mat inside your right knee for an additional upper body stretch.
- Inhale and open your chest by raising your left arm to the heavens.
- Look up at your upper arm whether it’s comfy for your neck.
Steps 7-9 should be repeated on the opposite side.
10. Reverse Table Top
- Begin with your legs outstretched in a sitting posture.
- Bend your knees and place your feet approximately hip distance apart on the floor.
- Place your hands behind you, fingers wide and directed towards your body, and lean back slightly with your torso.
- Press your hands and feet together. Inhale deeply and raise your hips to align them with your knees and shoulders.
- Make sure your knees are hip-width apart and don’t collapse in or splay out to the sides.
- Keep your elbows from locking. Maintain a slight bend in your elbows while in the posture to achieve this.
- Keep your neck in line with your spine, or let it hang down if that feels better.
- For an additional stretch in the front of your thighs, rock gently back and forth.
11. Forward Folded Seated
- Start in a sitting posture with your spine tall and your legs stretched out in front of you (Staff pose). Maintain a flexed foot in front of your body. Slightly bend your knees.
- Sweep your arms to the sides and above, palms facing inward, as you inhale. Maintain a parallel relationship between the arms and the ears.
- Begin by hunching your hips and bending forward as you exhale.
- Place your hands as far as they will go — knees, shins, ankles, or the balls of your feet – while maintaining a long spine.
- Maintain the stretch by contracting your abdominal muscles and focusing your attention on your legs.
- Only the calves and hamstrings should feel stretched behind the knees. Bend your knees a little more if you’re experiencing discomfort.
- Make sure your shoulders aren’t hunched. When folding forward, keep your chest open and lead with your heart.
12. Supine Cactus Arms (with optional blocks)
- Take your blocks and lay down on your back with your legs bent (optional).
- Raise your arms above while holding a block in each hand. Allow your arms to float a few inches above the mat rather than touching the ground.
- Begin bending your elbows and lowering them lower on an exhale until they are almost level with your shoulders.
- Open your chest by pressing your elbows away from you and squeezing your shoulder blades together.
- Allowing the lower ribs to protrude is not a good idea. Stay active in your abdominal muscles to avoid this.
- Take a deep breath and raise your arms above.
13. Pigeon in a Reclined Position
- Keep your legs bent and stay on your back.
- Place your right ankle on your left thigh by lifting your right foot.
- Keep your left leg straight up with your left knee pointed up. To open your right hip, engage your right glude.
- Stay right here if that’s enough of a stretch. Lift your left foot and move it closer to your chest if necessary. Ensure that your right knee remains open to the side.
- To assist pull the leg closer to you, put your hands around the left thigh or shin.
- I like to use my left foot to open out my right hip and rest my arms at my sides.
14. Supine Twist
- Lower your left foot back into the mat (if it was raised) and go into Reclined Twist/Supta Matsyendrasana (whatever version you choose) from Reclined Pigeon.
- I’m maintaining my right ankle in the same position in the picture and releasing my legs to the left while looking to the right.
- Keep your arms stretched out to the sides or in the Cactus posture.
- Attempt to maintain both shoulder blades in contact with the mat.
Steps 13-14 should be repeated on the opposite side.
15. Pose of a Dead Person
- Bring your hands beside your body and extend your legs long onto the mat.
- Relax your whole body and take deep, natural breaths.
- Stay for 10 complete breaths or as long as you need to.
If you want to loosen up tight muscles and increase your flexibility, then a relaxing yoga practice is the way to go. The best part about yoga is that it’s easy to start. All you need is a mat and a willingness to give it a try. No matter what your skill level, there’s a pose suitable for you.