It’s Not "Alien Yoga"—It’s Nauli Kriya, and Here’s How to Do It

There are two main types of yoga in this country: Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa. Both have their place in the yoga world but each has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. That’s why I love this video, as it presents a fresh and unique way to incorporate yoga into your fitness routine.

The ancient yogis discovered a series of postures that relax the body, heart, mind and soul. Through this process of deep relaxation, we are able to go beyond the physical body to tap into the spiritual world and connect to the unifying energy of the universe. It is this connection that is Nauli Kriya, a yoga method to connect to the divine.

Nauli Kriya, also called Nauli Asana, is a yoga practice commonly used for weight loss. The Nauli Kriya technique is a powerful way to reduce body fat and increase flexibility. However, does it work? Is this just a silly fad? At yogishopee, we strive to provide both sides of the story and we believe that Nauli Kriya is no fad.. Read more about it’s not me and let us know what you think.

What is this weird stomach-contorting phenomenon known as “alien yoga” that is generating headlines and trending on social media sites? NAULI KRIYA is the name of the character (which to be fair probably still sounds a bit alien). While this belly massage and exercise may seem strange in appearance, it has been used in yoga for thousands of years.

Kriya is an activity or effort, such as a sequence of postures, breath, and sound, that works to materialize a particular purpose. It is derived from the Sanskrit word kri (to do). Nauli kriya is a method for abdominal massage that includes the abdominal organs and muscles moving laterally and vertically in a wave-like action. It is derived from the Sanskrit words nau (boat) and li (to cling to). It’s nicely depicted as a process akin to a boat tossing in a storm.

Nauli Kriya’s Advantages

Nauli kriya is a high-intensity belly exercise that demands both strength and concentration. Internal organ massage helps the body enhance gastric fire and remove toxins in the digestive system by massaging the stomach, liver, spleen, urine bladder, pancreas, gall bladder, and large and small intestine.

It takes a lot of core strength and tone to perfect the technique since it needs the ability to isolate the muscles of the rectus abdominis, which make up the “six-pack” or “washboard” area of the abs.

The manipura chakra, which is the repository of prana, is likewise stimulated by the Nauli kriya. Activating the manipura chakra improves mental clarity, metabolism, and immune system strength.

It’s better to do it first thing in the morning or five to six hours after a meal. Before performing nauli kriya in the morning, drink a cup of warm water with lemon to calm the stomach.

Contraindications and Warnings

While anybody wanting to learn may experience the process and advantages of nauli kriya, it is preferable to practice with an experienced yogi since there is a risk of harming the internal organs.

It is recommended to avoid this procedure if you have hypertension, heart disease, hernias, ulcers, or other gastrointestinal problems. If you feel any discomfort, it’s better to quit training and respect your body. Furthermore, at any stage of pregnancy, this activity is not advised for pregnant women.


The Bandhas — Before studying and practicing nauli kriya, students should be well-versed in jalandhara bandha (throat lock) and uddiyana bandha (abdominal lock).

Prior to trying nauli kriya, pranayama – the practice of bahya kumbhaka (breath retention after expiration) – is an essential skill to master.

Nauli Varieties

  • Vama Nauli is a solitary contraction of the abdominal muscles on the left side.
  • The solitary contraction of the right side of the abdominal muscles is known as Daksina Nauli.
  • The solitary contraction of both sides of the abdominal muscles is known as Madhyana Nauli.

How to Go About It

  1. Begin in Tadasana (Mountain pose) with your feet hip-width or wider apart.
  2. Slightly bend the knees and hinge forward at the hips.
  3. Allow the fingers to expand naturally while maintaining straight arms and placing hands over the knees, resting on the thighs.
  4. Lower your chin to rest softly on the top of your sternum and between your collarbones.
  5. Practice bahya kumbhaka (breath retention after expiration) and uddiyana bandha (belly lock) as well as gently pushing and isolating the rectus abdominal muscles forward. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds.
  6. Inhale gently while relaxing the rectus abdominal muscles.
  7. Rep stages 1-6 isolating the right side of the rectus abdominal muscles, then repeat steps 1-6 isolating the left side.

After then, put the exercise on hold until tomorrow—better it’s to allow the stomach time to adapt to the practice than to overwork the muscles and put the internal organs under stress. After a few weeks of practice, try “churning” your rectus by gently rotating the hips or whirling the rib cage from side to side in a circle above the pelvis.

Nauli Kriya is a wonderful way to get your day started and add some fire energy to your day. It doesn’t matter if it makes your stomach appear “alien-like”—the amazing advantages it provides are worth it! Have additional nauli kriya questions (or suggestions)? Leave them in the comments section below!

Drinie Aguilar contributed to this image.

It’s a practice rife with mystery and intrigue, but when it comes to the benefits of Nauli Kriya, it’s one of the most powerful techniques in yoga…. Read more about it’s not you it’s me (2021) and let us know what you think.

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