Welcome to yogi bishopee, a place where we celebrate all forms of yoga. Be the beneficiary of the daily yoga practice of our lovely models. They are all welcome here to practice the art of yoga and take part in all the yoga events we have. We can’t wait to see you in the yoga mat.
The latest trend to hit yoga, especially in the gay community is people in yoga pants. How is this a bad thing? Well, for starters they aren’t really yoga pants, but men’s yoga pants. At least that’s what we thought, until we realized that these pants are being worn by people who are actually practicing yoga.
Yoga pants are among the most popular items of clothing on the market, and there’s a reason: they’re comfortable and flattering. But they’re strictly for women right now. Why are male yoga pants so hard to find, when they can be so much fun? Today, we’re going to take a look at a few of our favorite ones, and take a bit of a side trip into the world of male yoga.
It’s about time something like this occurred. With so many Tumblrs and blogs devoted to women wearing yoga pants, it’s only fair that guys receive their fair amount of attention as well. Meet MenInYogaPants.com, the internet’s answer to MenInYogaPants.com.
In reaction to all the debates over how yoga pants “don’t work on certain women’s bodies,” New York-based photographers Robert and Jackie developed Men In Yoga Pants as a photographic project. The developers put it like way:
We came up with the idea for this project since it’s unique and entertaining. Yoga pants “don’t work on certain women’s bodies,” according to a disturbing attitude among some in the sports clothing industry. We wanted to demonstrate how versatile yoga pants are on guys of all kinds.
Though it may seem such at first sight, MenInYogaPants isn’t all for laughs — they do feature guys on the site that look a lot like the yogis you see in yoga publications (see below), and it also discusses why the yoga clothing business is still mainly female-centric (see below).
Jackie and Robert said that they would put guys of all kinds in yoga pants, and they did.
Thankfully, none of the yoga pants shown here are see-through (as yoga pants should never be! ), but we have to give the models credit for being such good athletes.
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