Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a yoga system of postures which originated in ancient India (around 500 BC). It is a series of poses which are performed in a specific order and have been adopted by many other yoga traditions to form different types of yoga. The twelve steps of Surya Namaskar were developed by the Yoga gurus of India and written in Sanskrit. Sun Salutations are an easy way to build a strong yoga practice.
We all know about the various forms of Yoga, but the most popular among them is Surya Namaskar or Sun Salute, which is usually practiced five times in a day. The steps of Sun Salute are as follows: 1. Pranamasana or prostration 2. Ustrasana or bow pose 3. Virasana or hero pose 4. Marjaryasana or the mountain pose 5. Matsyasana or the fish pose 6. Dandasana or staff pose 7. Ardha Matsyendrasana or the half-moon pose 8. Parshvamukha or the pose in which the feet are brought in front of the body 9. Savasana or simply relaxation.
Many people who practice yoga come to understand the benefits of this ancient practice. Yoga is a means to balance the body, mind, and spirit. The yoga poses themselves are designed to support and promote health, as well as relax the mind and encourage peace of mind. The basic poses of Asana or Yoga postures are designed to increase flexibility, strength and balance. These postures can be practiced during any time of day, and can be done as a set, or separately.. Read more about sun salutation steps and let us know what you think.
Surya Namaskar is the best way to remain healthy if you don’t have a lot of time to devote to a regular exercise routine.
Sun Salutation, also known as Surya Namaskar, is a sequence of 12 strong yoga asanas (postures) that offer a tremendous cardiovascular exercise. It’s also a wonderful way to remain in shape and keep your mind and spirit at ease. If you’re having trouble mastering postures and are becoming irritated, you may benefit from doing this free 30-day yoga challenge. It will take you through a range of motion so that you are ready to begin the 12-step program!
Let’s begin with the first posture, paratham asam.
Table of Contents
1. Pranamasana
Pranamasana, often known as prayer position, is the first step in the Surya Namaskar. Stand up on your mat with your feet aligned tightly. Inhale deeply, allowing your chest to expand and your shoulders to relax.
Raise your arms from the sides as you inhale. Join your hands together as you exhale, as if praying in front of a god. This is the first salutation to the sun, known as Pratham Namaskar.
2. Hastauttanasana
Breathe in and raise your arms up and backwards slightly, keeping your palms united in the previous prayer posture. Your biceps should be as near to your ears as possible. By extending your whole body backwards while standing on your tip toes, you may loosen up your body.
3. Hasta Padasana
Now take a deep breath out and lean forward at the waist. Go down to your knees and touch the ground while maintaining your spine upright. Exhale gently and fully as you do this.
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Inhale deeply and extend your body parallel to the floor. Keep your hands at your sides and bring your right knee to the right side of your chest, allowing your left leg to extend behind you. Take a look up.
5. Dandasana
Fling your right leg backwards as you inhale, placing your whole body parallel to the ground.
6. Ashtanga Namaskara
Giving salutations in eight pieces or points is another name for this. Exhale after remaining in Dandasana. Gently lower your knees to the floor. Bring your chin to the floor and maintain your hops up in the air. As a result, two hands, two knees, chin, and chest will rest on the floor, but your hip will remain raised in the air.
7. Bhujangasana
Cobra posture is another name for this. Simply line your chest and torso with the ground at a 90-degree angle while maintaining your legs and mid-section flat on the ground. Make sure you support your body with your hands rather than transferring your whole weight on them.
8. Parvatasana
Return from bhujangasana to parvatasana once again. Slowly lift your mid-section, keeping your palms and feet where they are. As you enter parvatasana, exhale.
9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Return to ashwa sanchalanasana from Parvatasana now. This time, though, we perform the polar opposite of what we did in the previous phase. Procedure: Step forward with your right foot while keeping your left foot in its original position.
10. Hasta Padasana
As you exhale, gently move your left foot forward, close to your right foot. Lift yourself up gently into Hasta Padasana while maintaining the posture of your hands.
11. Hastauttanasana
To enter Ardha Chakra Asana, inhale, lift your hands high, and bend backward.
12. Pranama asana
Finally, exhale and stand in the namaskara mudra in a calm way. Feel the wonderful energy flowing through your body. This is how you finish one Surya Namaskar repeat. The benefits of this comprehensive workout are believed to be maximized after twelve repetitions.
Surya Namaskar is a very famous Hindu Sun Salutation. It is one of the best asanas. No wonder it has 12 steps in it, which is equivalent to 12 steps taken in the solar month. This asana is also famous because it is performed in the morning before sunrise. It is known as the Asana of Spring. Surya Namaskar is a beautiful routine to start your day and to keep you fit and healthy.. Read more about 12 poses of surya namaskar pdf and let us know what you think.